🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 New Global sales director joins Daxap Team!

🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 New Global sales director joins Daxap Team!

We are delighted to welcome Burak Basara to the DAXAP team as our new Global Sales Director! 🎉

Burak brings a wealth of experience and a passion for driving both innovation and sustainability. His values align perfectly with our mission to create digital products that have a positive social impact.

Burak about joining Daxap:

“I’m thrilled to be part of a team that prioritizes both innovation and sustainability. Building digital products with a positive social impact aligns perfectly with my values, and I’m excited to contribute to a better future.”

Welcome to Daxap, Burak! We look forward to achieving great things together!

How ISO 27001 Certification strengthens our commitment to security and quality

How ISO 27001 Certification strengthens our commitment to security and quality

Last year, we were pleased to announce that Daxap had achieved ISO 27001 certification, an internationally recognized standard for information security. But what does this actually mean for our customers and our work as an IT company?

For us at Daxap, ISO 27001 certification represents a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security and privacy. It means that we have established strict security procedures and controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information we process, including the data our customers and their users trust us with.

Our certification also confirms our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in information security. We invest in advanced technologies and resources to enhance our security measures and keep pace with ever-changing threats and challenges in the digital world. This enables us to deliver robust and reliable digital solutions that provide our customers with confidence and trust.

As an ISO 27001-certified organization, our customers can rest assured that we take their security and privacy seriously. Our certification obliges us to adhere to strict guidelines and best practices in information security, providing them with peace of mind knowing that their data is handled with the highest degree of care and protection.

We are proud to be part of an elite community of IT companies that have achieved ISO 27001 certification, and we look forward to continuing to deliver secure, reliable, and innovative digital solutions to our customers worldwide.

If you want to learn more about ISO 27001 and what it secures for you collaborating with Daxap, please see the video added below:

Bli med på vårt team som Salgsleder

Bli med på vårt team som Salgsleder

Daxap er en raskt voksende og innovativ virksomhet. For oss i Daxap er det å skape bærekraftige løsninger på samfunnsutfordringer et ansvar og en mulighet. Daxap består av en mangfoldig gruppe mennesker som skaper nye digitale løsninger med positiv samfunnseffekt.

Våre digitale løsninger inkluderer den flerspråklige kommunikasjonsplattformen Kiddy, innbygger- og kommuneplattformen ViBori, samt digitale løsninger utviklet med våre samarbeidspartnere, blant annet den Kunstig-Intelligens-baserte løsningen Pailot.io. Daxap som gjennomfører også en økende menge kundeoppdrag knyttet til IT- Tjenester.


Som Salgsleder hos Daxap vil du gjennomføre alle salgsaktiviteter for våre IT Tjenester og Software as a Service (SaaS) i Norge og Norden. Du vil samarbeide tett med tverrfaglige team, inkludert produkt- og markedsansvarlige som vil støtte deg i eget salgsarbeid.

Mål for denne rollen:

  • Øke salg av Daxap sine IT tjenester og SaaS produkter til både privat og offentlig sektor i Norden.
  • Vinne relevante offentlige anbud.


  • Gjennomføre salgsaktiviteter mot privat og offentlig sektor for Daxap sine IT tjenester og SaaS produkter.
  • Direkte kontakt med potensielle, nye og eksisterende kunder for å bygge relasjoner og salgsmuligheter.
  • Planlegging og gjennomføring av tilbud, presentasjoner og kontrakter med kunder.
  • Implementering av digitale verktøy som HubSpot, Salesforce el.
  • Oppfølging og gjennomføring av offentlige anbudsprosesser.
  • Samarbeide med produkt- og markedsføringsteam for å utvikle unike muligheter for vår eksisterende og nye kundebase.
  • Utvikle unike salgsstrategier mot privat og offentlig sektor for Daxap sine IT tjenester og SaaS produkter.

Ferdigheter og kvalifikasjoner:

  • Evne til å jobbe individuelt og selvstendig med eget ansvar for struktur og oppnåelse av resultatmål.
  • Dokumentert suksess med strukturering av salg og gjennomføring i liknende industrier.
  • Tidligere erfaring og dokumenterte resultater innen salg av IT tjenester og/eller SaaS produkter, helst både offentlig og privat.
  • Forståelse av IT industrien og SaaS forretningsmodeller.
  • Sterke forhandlingsevner og lederegenskaper med fokus på effektiv tildeling av ansvar.
  • Gode skriftlige og muntlige kommunikasjonsferdigheter på norsk og engelsk.

Fysisk tilværelse:

  • Denne stillingen er 100% ekstern og du kan jobbe fra hvor som helst, så lenge du er tilgjengelig på norsk tidssone.
  • Noe reising på påregnes, ca 20-30 døgn per år.


  • Fleksibel arbeidstid og eksternt arbeidsmiljø.
  • Solid basislønn med lukrative resultatbonuser.
  • Solide forsikringsplaner.
  • Gode muligheter for personlig utvikling og muligheter for å vokse med en ambisiøs bedrift.

Mangfold og inkludering:

Vi verdsetter og respekterer mangfoldet blant våre ansatte, kunder og samarbeidspartnere. Vi er forpliktet til å skape et arbeidsmiljø hvor alle enkeltpersoner, uavhengig av deres bakgrunn, kjønn, alder, rase, religion, seksuell orientering, funksjonsevne eller andre egenskaper, blir møtt med lik respekt og verdighet.

Vi oppfordrer sterkt kvalifiserte kandidater fra ulike bakgrunner og erfaringer til å søke på ledige stillinger hos oss. Vi tror på å fremme et inkluderende miljø som gir rom for mangfoldige perspektiver og ideer. Diskriminering av noen form tolereres ikke, og vi arbeider kontinuerlig for å sikre at alle våre ansatte og samarbeidspartnere føler seg verdsatt, respektert og inkludert.

Hvis du er interessert i stillingen, send din søknad og CV til [email protected].

🌟 Exciting News! Daxap and Kiddy have joined EdTech Denmark! 🌟

🌟 Exciting News! Daxap and Kiddy have joined EdTech Denmark! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce our membership with EdTech Denmark, an organization dedicated to creating the best conditions for learning and education. By joining this network, we are placing ourselves at the crossroads of research, public institutions, and the business community in Denmark.

EdTech Denmark is focused on creating an environment for engagement and collaboration, with a strong professional emphasis on complex and evolving themes. With our multilingual communication platform, Kiddy, we hope to contribute to this community while gaining access to new opportunities in the Danish market.

We look forward to collaborating with other EdTech enthusiasts in Denmark, ready to learn, grow, and innovate together. We believe this partnership will help us expand our vision of a more inclusive and diverse educational landscape.

🔗 Stay tuned for more updates about our partnership with EdTech Denmark and our journey into the Danish EdTech market!

See http://www.edtechdenmark.dk for more information.

Malimo and Daxap: Developing a Digital Platform through Collaboration

Malimo and Daxap: Developing a Digital Platform through Collaboration

Malimo AS, a leading provider of educational materials for primary schools, special education, and kindergartens, aimed to modernize its digital platform. Their goal was to promote mastery-based motivation and differentiated instruction while making life easier for teachers. This is where we at Daxap, a company focused on technological innovation, came into the picture to build a completely new platform from scratch.

Before partnering with Daxap, Malimo faced several challenges with its existing digital platform. The platform’s functionalities were outdated, and scalability was limited. The user-friendliness was also not at the desired level, which hindered Malimo from providing effective educational tools and resources to teachers in Norwegian schools.

A chance meeting was the beginning of a long-term collaboration

At that time, they needed a complete digital transformation, and by chance, came into contact with us through an event called “Springbrett” organized by Connect Midt-Norge. Both Daxap and Malimo quickly realized they had much in common. We both wanted to make a difference in society, and we then sat down together to break down the requirements and gain a complete understanding of their needs.

The collaboration began with thorough discussions to understand Malimo’s specific needs. We conducted extensive research and analysis of the education sector to ensure the solution would meet industry requirements. We developed a detailed roadmap for the project, and then worked closely with Malimo to ensure all features and functionalities were integrated seamlessly into the solution. By using an agile development approach and conducting frequent feedback sessions, Malimo could quickly adjust and improve the platform. Despite technical challenges, the teams remained focused on delivering a solution that not only met but also exceeded Malimo’s expectations.

The partnership between Daxap and Malimo demonstrates how collaboration and partnerships can overcome technical challenges and facilitate digital transformation. For us, Malimo is a partner with whom we collaborate, not just work for. Our shared honesty and expectations of each other are among the factors that drive us to go the extra mile!

We spoke with Maren Lie Malmo and Jørgen Solvang, founders and CEOs of Malimo, about their journey in collaboration with us. Watch the full interview with Maren and Jørgen below.

To learn more about our friends in Malimo – Visit www.malimo.no

Daxap AS Secures 4M NOK in Capital Raise 

Daxap AS Secures 4M NOK in Capital Raise 

Daxap AS, a social entrepreneur in the IT and Software as a Service (SaaS) sector, has successfully completed a capital raise of 4.05M Norwegian Kroner (NOK), exceeding the financing goal by over 1M NOK. The capital is earmarked for the internationalization of Daxap and its SaaS products, including the multilingual communication platform Kiddy. 

“I am incredibly proud of how far we have come since our inception in 2021,” says founder and CEO, Kubilay Kartal. “We had a dream to simplify communication and break down language and cultural barriers, and now we have the opportunity to do this on an even larger scale. We greatly appreciate the investors who have seen our vision and believe that we can improve society with unique and safe digital solutions.” 

SaaS product for the public and private sectors 

Kubilay Kartal and co-founder Emirhan Sözan moved from Turkey to Norway in 2018 and experienced significant challenges with language and cultural barriers, especially concerning young children and inclusion in daycare. This was something they wanted to address, leading to the creation of Daxap in 2021. Since then, they have experienced exponential growth with their IT services and the development of their own SaaS products in the public and private sectors. Additionally, Daxap has provided career opportunities for several individuals with immigrant backgrounds. 

The capital raise is led by Limex Ventures from the U.S., with further support from Lectus AS in Norway, as well as a group of North American-based angel investors. All new and current shareholders will continue to be active contributors to Daxap’s goal of creating digital solutions for a better and more inclusive society. 

“We look forward to collaborating closely with our new shareholders,” says chairman of the board Anders Krohn, who himself invested in Daxap through the company Lemmus Lemmus LLC in 2022. “Daxap has two bottom lines: financial success and social impact. On both fronts, we can show positive results, and the investors have already created significant value for us.” 

More about Daxap: 

  • Focus on global expansion:  
    The communication platform Kiddy is already used by over 3,000 users in Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates – and the focus for 2024 is global expansion. With automatic translation in 19 languages, Kiddy is a solution that can operate on a global basis. 
  • Collaboration with research communities:  
    SINTEF’s study on Kiddy in 2023 showed that Kiddy contributes to better communication, relations and understanding between employees and parents. 
  • ISO 27001 certified:  
    Daxap has also obtained ISO 27001 information security certification. Security is an important area of focus for Daxap, both with its own SaaS products and in the development of IT solutions for their customers.