🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 New Global sales director joins Daxap Team!

🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 New Global sales director joins Daxap Team!

We are delighted to welcome Burak Basara to the DAXAP team as our new Global Sales Director! 🎉

Burak brings a wealth of experience and a passion for driving both innovation and sustainability. His values align perfectly with our mission to create digital products that have a positive social impact.

Burak about joining Daxap:

“I’m thrilled to be part of a team that prioritizes both innovation and sustainability. Building digital products with a positive social impact aligns perfectly with my values, and I’m excited to contribute to a better future.”

Welcome to Daxap, Burak! We look forward to achieving great things together!

Kiddy Takes Home the Victory at Trøndelagsmøtet 2024!

Kiddy Takes Home the Victory at Trøndelagsmøtet 2024!

We are exited to share the exciting news from Trøndelagsmøtet in Trondheim! 🏆 Our multilingual communication platform, Kiddy, clinched the first place in the recent pitch competition, and we couldn’t be prouder of this achievement! 🚀

Kiddy Takes Home the Victory at Trøndelagsmøtet 2024!

Asim Shares His Excitement

Our very own Asim, Chief Operating Officer at Daxap AS and the frontman of the Kiddy pitch, expressed his enthusiasm: “Kiddy is not just a tool; it’s a community. It empowers communication in diverse environments and helps parents and educators understand and support a child’s education.”

Kubilay Takes the Lead

Kubilay, CEO and Founder of Daxap AS, commented on the victory: “Winning this competition is not only a recognition of our work but a commitment to society that we are dedicated to creating value through innovation and technology.”

Behind the Pitch

The pitch focused on how Kiddy addresses challenges related to communication in multilingual environments, especially within the education sector. Asim, leading the pitch on stage, conveyed our mission of inclusion, user-friendliness, and fostering collaboration between educators and parents in an engaging manner.

Recognition and Thanks

Winning this competition is a testament to the team’s effort, dedication, and passion. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to present Kiddy to such a distinguished audience.

The Road Ahead

This victory energizes us to continue our mission of simplifying communication in educational institutions worldwide. We commit to improving and expanding Kiddy’s features, ensuring it remains an invaluable tool for educators, parents, and students.

Get in Touch!

If you attended Trøndelagsmøtet or are interested in learning more about Kiddy, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out, ask questions, and explore how Kiddy can enhance collaboration and communication in your educational community.

You can read more about the competition and “Trøndelagsmøtet” at:


Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of Kiddy’s success story! 🌟 #KiddyWins #Trøndelagsmøtet2023 #CommunicationInnovation

🚀 Daxap Takes on BETT 2024: Navigating the Future of EdTech! 🚀

🚀 Daxap Takes on BETT 2024: Navigating the Future of EdTech! 🚀

We’re excited to share some big news from Daxap – we’re gearing up to participate in this year’s BETT conference, scheduled to take place in London! 🌐

What is BETT? BETT, short for British Educational Training and Technology Show, is one of the leading global conferences in the educational technology space. It’s an annual event that brings together educators, innovators, and technology enthusiasts from around the world to explore the latest trends, products, and insights in the field of education technology.

Daxap’s Passion for EdTech and Multilingual Communication As a passionate contributor to the edtech landscape, Daxap has been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to simplify communication in educational institutions. Our multilingual communication tool, Kiddy, is designed to break down language barriers and foster inclusive communication between educators, parents, and students.

Representing Daxap at BETT: Simen Riffault Andresen Our Marketing Manager, Simen Riffault Andresen, will be our representative at the BETT conference. With a wealth of experience in the edtech sector, Simen is eager to engage in insightful discussions, share our expertise, and explore collaborations that can further enhance the impact of technology on education.

Connecting at BETT If you’re attending BETT 2024, we invite you to connect with Simen and the Daxap team. We’re excited to discuss the role of technology in enriching the learning environment, share our experiences with Kiddy, and explore ways in which digital solutions can address the evolving needs of educational institutions.

Stay Tuned for Updates We’ll be sharing live updates, key takeaways, and behind-the-scenes glimpses from the BETT conference on our social media channels. Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to stay in the loop!

Let’s Collaborate for a Better EdTech Future At Daxap, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive positive change in education. Whether you’re a fellow edtech enthusiast, an educator, or a potential collaborator, we’d love to connect. Reach out to us during BETT or through our social media channels.

Join Us on this EdTech Journey As we embark on this exciting journey to BETT 2024, we’re eager to learn, connect, and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of educational technology. Stay tuned for updates, and let’s build the future of edtech together!

#Daxap #BETT2024 #EdTechJourney #InnovationInEducation

Daxap’s Visionary Leap at Gründerdagen: Paving the Way for Kiddy’s Global Journey

Daxap’s Visionary Leap at Gründerdagen: Paving the Way for Kiddy’s Global Journey

In the heart of Trondheim, a city known for its vibrant innovation ecosystem, Connect Midt-Norge once again orchestrated the much-anticipated event, “Gründerdagen.” This gathering, more than just a conference, is a testament to the thriving spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in Midt-Norge. It’s a day dedicated to networking, sharing experiences, and envisioning grand ideas in today’s dynamic innovation market.

This year’s Gründerdagen was particularly momentous for Daxap, a company that has been making significant strides in the realm of digital solutions for early childhood education. Following their impactful participation last year, Daxap returned to the event with even more ambitious plans, ready to unveil their roadmap for the internationalization and investment in their flagship project, Kiddy.

The Essence of Gründerdagen

Gründerdagen’s primary objective is to create a melting pot for the innovation ecosystem in Midt-Norge. It’s a platform where entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators from various sectors converge to exchange ideas, forge connections, and draw inspiration from each other. This year, the event saw an overwhelming turnout of over 300 participants, ranging from budding entrepreneurs to seasoned investors, all united by a common goal: to push the boundaries of innovation.

Daxap’s Role at Gründerdagen

Daxap’s presence at Gründerdagen was not just about participation; it was about making a statement. Led by their dynamic Managing Director, Kubilay Kartal, the team presented their ambitious plans for Kiddy. This presentation wasn’t just a showcase of their product but a glimpse into the future of early childhood education and how digital tools like Kiddy can revolutionize this vital sector.

Kiddy: A Vision for Global Impact

Kiddy, Daxap’s innovative solution, is designed to bridge the gap between technology and early education. It’s a tool that simplifies complex educational concepts, making them accessible and engaging for young learners. At Gründerdagen, Daxap highlighted how Kiddy is not just a product but a mission to transform early education globally. Their plan for internationalization and investment is a bold step towards making quality education accessible to children worldwide.

Watch the video of our pitch on Gründerdagen on Youtube.

The Impact of Gründerdagen

Events like Gründerdagen are crucial in today’s fast-paced innovation landscape. They provide a unique opportunity for stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem to come together, share insights, and collaborate on future projects. For Daxap, Gründerdagen was more than an event; it was a launchpad for their global aspirations with Kiddy.

Read more about our collaboration with ConnectMidt Norge and via link here.

A Glimpse into Daxap’s Future

As Daxap moves forward with its plans for Kiddy, the support and insights gained from Gründerdagen will be invaluable. The event has not only given them a platform to share their vision but also opened doors to potential collaborations and investments. With a clear roadmap and a driven team, Daxap is poised to make significant strides in the international market.


Gründerdagen 2023 in Trondheim was a resounding success, marked by Daxap’s visionary presentation and the enthusiastic participation of the innovation community. As Daxap embarks on its journey to take Kiddy to the global stage, the lessons and connections from Gründerdagen will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in their journey. The future of early childhood education is bright, and Daxap’s Kiddy is at the forefront of this transformative wave.

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Embracing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Embracing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Daxap at Gründerdagen 2022

Yesterday marked a significant event in the entrepreneurial calendar of Norway – Gründerdagen 2022 in Trondheim. This event is not just a gathering but a celebration of innovative minds and daring spirits. It’s a day where ideas meet opportunities, and dreams begin to take shape. For us at Daxap, it was a day filled with pride and inspiration, especially for our founder and managing director, Kubilay Kartal.

As the founder of Daxap, Kubilay Kartal, participated in a ‘sofa chat’ at Gründerdagen 2022, sharing his valuable experiences as an entrepreneur in Norway. His journey, marked by challenges, innovations, and success, serves as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners alike.

Gründerdagen 2022, held at the vibrant Lager 11, was more than just an event. It was a melting pot of over 100 entrepreneurs, investors, and business enthusiasts, all sharing a common goal – to drive innovation and foster business growth. The event featured engaging discussions, networking opportunities, and insightful panels, including a debate on whether Trondheim is Norway’s technology capital.

During the sofa chat, Kubilay shared insights from Daxap’s inception to its current success. He emphasized the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the need to create solutions that address real-world problems. His story is a testament to the thriving entrepreneurial spirit in Norway and the support system available for startups.

Events like Gründerdagen are crucial for the entrepreneurial ecosystem. They provide a platform for sharing knowledge, encouraging collaboration, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals. For anyone harboring a business idea or running a startup, such events offer invaluable learning and networking opportunities.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Connect Midt-Norge, Anne Morkemo, Trondheim kommune, and all the organizers of Gründerdagen 2022 at Lager 11 for orchestrating such a remarkable event. We encourage every aspiring entrepreneur and business enthusiast to participate in such events. They are not just about learning and networking but also about being part of a community that drives change and innovation.

To learn more about Gründerdagen and to read more about our journey and experiences at Daxap, follow the link here.
Let’s innovate and grow together!